La Trobe

The University of Lincoln and La Trobe University based in Victoria, Australia have signed a strategic agreement to collaborate together on a range of major projects. One of these initiatives will enable PhD students to be jointly supervised by academics from both the University of Lincoln and La Trobe University. In addition, programme teams are working on developing dual awards whereby students can study for part of their programme at the partner institution and graduate with an award from both. 

Staff from the La Trobe Centre for Rural Health Research are also collaborating with colleagues from the Lincoln Institute for Health (LIH) on health issues facing rural communities both locally and globally. This is La Trobe’s first agreement of this kind with a UK university and will serve to encourage research and academic projects between the two institutions. 

A student exchange agreement will be signed shortly between the two institutions which will facilitate student and staff exchange ranging from a single semester to a full academic year, across a number of different academic disciplines.